Visit to Barcelona

Visit to Barcelona

12/12/2023 - 16:26

Students of the Events for Business specialisation had a fieldtrip to Barcelona. Several students reflect on this fruitful journey to Spain.
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Tessel Konings: 

  • Barcelona, a beautiful city where we not only made new connections for future internships, but also discovered great companies. The IBTM fair brought countries together in the events industry, which was an impressive experience. Still, the highlight of our trip was strengthening ties and getting to know the community and our teachers better. Thank you for the great organisation. It was a great adventure!  

Nina van Stippent: 

  • During my study trip to Barcelona, I got to know the city in a fun way. I visited several companies during this week and, as icing on the cake, we went to IBTM. Here I got to know many companies and potential internships from all over the world. I really enjoyed discovering nice restaurants and places during the free time myself, but that you also get to know the city in a business way! 

Rens Bolk: 

  • A week filled with diversity and educational highlights that have broadened my perspective on event management.

    At Glovo, I gained a wonderful insight into the beautiful company culture they have built, especially in their new office. It was fascinating to see how they work on market development and position themselves; thanks for this, Alger León.

    At Iventions Event Architects, I gained an incredible insight into entrepreneurship, how to profile yourself as an event professional, and its importance. It was an eye-opening experience that taught me how crucial it is to emphasize your unique skills and expertise in this industry. I am grateful for the insights gained during this inspiring presentation; thanks for this, Pascal Jorritsma!

    The experience at the IBTM Events was truly extraordinary. It was fascinating to see how countries presented themselves, and the setup of the fair was impressive. This unforgettable experience has provided me with a wealth of insights into international events and the importance of effective presentation. A valuable lesson that has enriched my knowledge in event management!

    But it wasn't just about the professional aspect – attending the FC Barcelona - FC Porto match and playing my first international match in the beautiful Park Güell were moments that brought our class closer together. This trip has not only deepened my knowledge but has also strengthened my bond with my classmates. - Rens Bolk 

Video below from Rens Bolk.