Do you know or remember Mike Fieuw?

Do you know or remember Mike Fieuw?

05/16/2023 - 11:14

Read an interview with Mike Fieuw. He is an alumnus of Leisure & Events Management and currently working as a lecturer at this academy.
Leisure & Events
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Mike Fieuw is 30 years old and lives in Tilburg.

Where did you study and when? 
Leisure & Events Management, Social Innovation specialisation (Performatory)

Where do you work within BUas?
Leisure & Events, co-organising the Urban Life & Placemaking specialisation

Why or how did you start working at BUas?
To inspire students (and businesses) to get the best out of themselves and that anything is possible.

What is the difference between then and now? 
I became much more aware that education is always evolving and so is the world. I like to play an active role with the socio-economic focus I bring to the world of Leisure & Events.

Do you ever run into alumni in your work? 
All the time. Names such as Rens Huybregts, Vera Hoekx, Marjolein Felius and Marlinde van Hedel already facilitated amazing workshops and visits. Are you next?

What is the most memorable moment you had with students? 
Being extremely proud of the Urban Life & Placemaking specialisation, putting so much effort into their ’starting’ community that has existed for just over 1.5 years.

What do you learn from alumni? 
That you always need to be kind in whatever you are doing. All the people you work with, before, during and after your studies, are part of who you are as a professional.

What piece of advice would you give alumni?
You can always come back for a drink, a possible job application or just contact me if you have any cool placemaking projects.

How do you combine your work as an alumnus at ALE with attending a master's programme and your own freelance job?
Easy is not the word, challenging is better suited. Besides teaching in placemaking, I am also a placemaker myself in which I mainly focus on the aspect of community development and how organisations can use the knowledge and skills of communities as an important asset in area development. It may not come as a surprise, but with my master’s studies in Community Development, together with teaching and freelancing in the same field of expertise, I do have a focus on studying, teaching and freelancing. Oh, and when I come home the cuddles with my cat and boyfriend make my life complete.

Do you have a question for alumni? 
Follow me, and the rest of my team via this link. We are always in search of possible collabs for student projects, visits or simply a chat over a cup of coffee to explore Urban Leisure.