Leisure & Events

Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Leisure & Events domain.

  • We Can All Be Hopepunks

    We Can All Be Hopepunks

    I still remember the time during my first year at Breda University of Applied Sciences when we had the introduction days about the different tracks. I...

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  • 'Hier ben je geen stagiaire die een klein klusje doet'

    'Hier ben je geen stagiaire die een klein klusje doet'

    Live Music & Dance Events studenten Fay Laan en Jan Delfgaauw lopen momenteel stage bij Sfeermeneer. De ideale plek om werkervaring op te doen en uit...

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  • Visit to Barcelona

    Visit to Barcelona

    Students of the Events for Business specialisation had a fieldtrip to Barcelona. Several students reflect on this fruitful journey to Spain.

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  • [node:title]

    Avans and BUas Students Collaborate for an Optimistic Vision

    As the world grapples with unrest and conflict, students from Avans and BUas are taking a proactive approach by working together on an optimistic...

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  • [node:title]

    Student Max Engelaar wins IDEA Talent Scout

    Student Max Engelaar is currently studying at the specialisation Events for Business of Leisure & Events Management. Together with other students, he...

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  • Exploring Amsterdam’s Inclusive Side

    Exploring Amsterdam’s Inclusive Side

    We all know Amsterdam. The Capital of The Netherlands with its picturesque canals, historic architecture, and vibrant cultural scene. But while it may...

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  • [node:title]

    First edition SDG Action Festival Events for Business students

    Last April all 43 students following the specialisation Events for Business at the Academy for Leisure and Events, executed their own pop-up event for...

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    Performatory in Berlin, rethinking study trips

    Creating your own study trip? Students and lecturers Frank Crucq and Suzan Lindhout of Social Innovation did! They went to Berlin.

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    Podcast: The Future of Leisure and Events

    Students of Leisure & Events Management created their own podcast, called The Future of Leisure and Events. With this podcast, the students aim to...

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  • [node:title]

    Inclusive research at Maczek Memorial with LFB, advocacy organisation by and for people with intellectual disabilities

    Last week, STERK students and experiential experts with an intellectual disability of LFB STERKplaats Goes, together with Urban Life & Placemaking...

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    Study trip to Belgium and France

    From 11 to 15 April, the third-year Attractions and Theme Parks Management students went on a study trip to Belgium and France to visit Pairi Daiza...

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    Graduate research: The benefits of investing in a water park

    Graduate Tijn Roovers presents key findings from his research thesis on water park investment at European holiday resorts.

    • Research
    • Student work
  • 101 Ways To Make Impact in Leisure

    101 Ways To Make Impact in Leisure

    First year students of Leisure and Events Management worked on an impact challenge around Breda. How can you make the world a little bit better with...

    • Student work
  • Events for Business students participate in international European Stretch project

    Events for Business students participate in international European Stretch project

    Second-year students of the Events for Business specialisation participate in the European subsidised project Stretch initiated by Vives University...

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  • 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'

    'Don't judge a book by it's cover'

    The 2nd and 3rd year students of our Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies, along with the Premaster Leisure & Tourism Studies students, went on a day...

    • Student work
  • Dancing with elderly people and soldiers

    Dancing with elderly people and soldiers

    Ten students of Social Innovation and lecturers Frank Crucq and Suzan Lindhout are exploring how to generate movement between people living in...

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