‘I work with clients such as Miele and Verkade’

‘I work with clients such as Miele and Verkade’

05/16/2024 - 09:43

Claudia van der Vorst graduated from the English-taught Leisure & Events Management programme in February 2023. During her studies, she started a part-time job as Community Manager at Scooperz in Breda. This is a Social & Influencer Agency, which makes campaigns for well-known brands from the Benelux, such as Miele, Verkade, Maxi-Cosi, L’Oréal and also the Hoog Catharijne shopping centre in Utrecht. Upon completing her studies, Claudia started her current role as a Social Media Manager.
Leisure & Events
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How did you end up at Scooperz?
‘I worked at clothing store The Sting during my studies, but I wanted to gain more experience in marketing. Online, I ended up at Scooperz and was able to start a part-time job as Community Manager. This took some getting used to. All of a sudden, I was working for twelve clients. As a Community Manager, you work on service and engagement for clients. Just think of responding to social media posts on TikTok and Instagram. So you have to constantly switch between tone of voice for each customer. Once you know the customers, it's not hard to do. The team of Community Managers is a close-knit team where many motivated students work in combination with full-timers.’

What do you do now in your current position as Social Media Manager?
‘I’m now responsible for customers in the field of community management, such as Miele and Verkade. We are building the online community of such brands. I keep in touch with customers and ensure that their wishes and appointments reach our team. I make sure that the quality remains optimal. So I have contact with both customers and our team. One day a week I work at the Ministry of Health in The Hague on behalf of Scooperz. The way of working here is a little different from our office, so you sometimes need to be able to think on your feet, but it’s also very instructive.’

What does an average working day look like?
‘My team works Monday through Sunday; we’re almost always online. I myself only work on weekdays. Of course I always check my emails to see what’s going on in the team, but I also have many client meetings and I coordinate a lot with my team. There’s no set structure to my days. Quite a lot is happening most of the time.’ 

Which collaboration did you or do you think was the coolest?
‘With Miele, I guess. This was the first well-known brand I got to work with and where I faced some immediate challenges in execution. Super instructive to jump into such an account manager role straight away, and that Scooperz offered me the opportunity to pick it up. And I also find Maxi-Cosi a cool client because that’s my first European client.’

Via LinkedIn I found out that many former students work at Scooperz; any idea why’s that?
‘I actually don’t know. It’s in the same city as BUas. I think that already helps. I come from here anyway and enjoyed staying and working in Breda. BUas has several creative study programmes and we’re a creative agency, so that’s a good match.’

What acquired knowledge of Leisure & Events Management do you still apply to your work?
‘Project management and good planning is what I use quite a lot. During my studies we also had the Professional Leadership course, in which you learned how to be proactive and present yourself well to  clients. That is still very useful to me.’

Do you still miss your school days?
‘I still miss the student life sometimes. Most of my student days were spent in the corona period and therefore I spent a lot of time at home. I started my study programme in the old building at Archimedesstraat, so I do regret experiencing the programme on the new campus.’ 

Do you have any fond memories of a lecturer?
‘In the first year, I worked a lot with Menno de Vos, which I really liked. And Nicoline de Heus helped me a lot with my graduation project.’

Do you have any tips for other graduates or students who are starting to work in the sector?
‘Make sure that you start early to see whether you can get some work at a company in the sector ahead of time; then you gain practical experience and build your network. In doing so, you can also figure out what kind of work you like.’

Interview by Elles van Steenis