Student exchange experiences

Student exchange experiences

10/17/2024 - 09:33

Three students share their exchange experiences at universities abroad.
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"Exchange is not a semester in a life but a life in a semester."
My name is Lynn van Venrooij and I did an exchange at Johnson and Wales University, Rhode Island, US. It was a great experience which allowed me to travel the US as well. The school semester is four months, and I travelled for an additional two-and-a-half months. I lived in a dorm on campus, which I absolutely loved. JWU has multiple sports teams which you can go watch to support the Wildcats! There are also gyms on campus, which are completely free and a lot of fun to go to with friends. I got on very well with my roommate. Making clear rules with my roommate and being honest to each other worked well. My best friends were other exchange students and my roommate. We still keep in touch and even visit each other!

I took courses related to the entertainment industry, film and music – some theoretical, some more practical. The testing system was new to me. I found it easier to pass courses because homework assignments are graded, in addition to the midterms and finals. I preferred this way of learning, as it is less overwhelming than the Dutch education system can sometimes be. 

I would recommend everyone to go on exchange; it might have been the best six months of my life. I made friends for life from all around the globe. An experience of a lifetime!

"I became more curious, more open-minded, more confident and more productive."
I am Marina Khadzhi – Nazarova and in my second year I decided to apply for an exchange programme at the University of Barcelona: I immediately pictured myself eating churros at the beach for breakfast, paella for lunch, hyped up also because of the Spanish environment that would enhance my Spanish!

I remember my first day on campus, the people I made friends with, the six different subjects four days a week - a little bit like my secondary school schedule. I had expected it to be challenging but it appeared to be an incredibly valuable experience for me. My curiosity was constantly satisfied by lecturers and new local friends I made, on campus and on the many ESN trips I joined. I instantly got caught up in the swirl of discoveries, excursions, subjects, perspectives, and friends. 

In September 2023, I returned to BUas for my final year and felt like nothing had changed - everything seemed so familiar. My feelings were controversial because nothing had changed but me. I had changed. I had grown. I had developed. I took many lessons from it: I became more curious, more open-minded, more confident and more productive. Barcelona offers thousands of temptations to forget about studying and go partying and sightseeing, but this only encouraged me to hone my time management skills. I managed everything: enjoyment, my social life and sightseeing. This experience will always have a special place in my heart.

"The most important stranger you will meet while living abroad is yourself."

My name is Monica Schram and my studies included exchanges in years three and four. These facilitated profound personal growth, leaving an unforgettable imprint on my personality. The experiences not only transformed me as a person, but also influenced my outlook on life. Feeling more confident and independent is the obvious proof. Navigating a foreign city, managing daily responsibilities, and adjusting to another culture pushed me out of my comfort zone. I became more self-sufficient, and my self-esteem grew as a result.

These experiences empowered me to embrace change, take chances, and find my own path towards happiness. Going on exchange increased my open-mindedness and empathy. Interacting with people from all origins and learning about their stories and perspectives broadened my cultural awareness, improved my communication skills, and helped me create valuable connections. “Become friends with people who are not your age. Hang out with people whose first language is not the same as yours. Get to know someone who does not come from your social class. This is how you see the world. This is how you grow.” It is a priceless experience that will help me become a more competent and globally aware person that appreciates the beauty of cultural differences, which will ultimately help me to be a better leisure professional.

All in all, the exchange periods expanded my horizons and gave me life lessons that I will remember for a long time to come. Encountering diverse cultures and unfamiliar territories was enriching and fostered resilience. These experiences enabled me to grow, both personally and professionally. I am thankful to BUas for granting me these opportunities, and I will cherish these memories forever.