Leisure & Events

Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Leisure & Events domain.

  • [node:title]

    Collaboration workplace enhances the transformative capacity

    The collaboration workplaces (Samenwerkplaatsen) of the Urban Living Lab Breda (ULLB) sees direct involvement of residents in their own living...

    • Uncover
  • How to make place in and out of the classroom?

    How to make place in and out of the classroom?

    It is a term you see pop up in strategic plans, policy documents and in education more and more: placemaking. Will it be the new ‘buzzword’ of the...

    • Uncover
  • [node:title]

    Students on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam

    What happens if 120 second-year students go on a placemaking mission in the city of Amsterdam? A story about happy communities, making international...

    • Uncover
  • [node:title]

    Is Rural the new Urban?

    Rural communities face a range of negative developments that continue causing the disappearance of remote village communities and the weakening of...

    • Uncover
  •  A look into the future of placemaking

    A look into the future of placemaking

    Leisure has an important relationship to time, space, and place. In leisure studies we are used to thinking about time as the basic resource for...

    • Uncover
  • [node:title]

    Leisure professionals as change-makers

    Everything is space! But how everyone arranges that space for themselves and for others is becoming increasingly complex.

    • Uncover
  • [node:title]

    Konekt radically champions a world where everyone can live, learn and work together

    Lecturers Marco van Leeuwen and Peter Horsten of Leisure & Events wrote an article for Uncover Magazine about disabilities in connection to leisure...

    • Uncover
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    From Foxtrot to Freestyle

    Complex issues in society require a different logic than the logic and methods used so far. Is it really the experts, policy-makers and trusted...

    • Uncover
  • [node:title]

    How to create an inclusive leisure experience

    “I thought we would get an inclusive society!” That was the cry from the heart of a participant at a conference on the Convention on the Rights of...

    • Uncover
  • Working on diversity and inclusion is not a project, but a change process

    Working on diversity and inclusion is not a project, but a change process

    The joint industry associations in the cultural and creative sector presented the Diversity & Inclusion Code (CODEDI) on 1 November 2019, a broadened...

    • Uncover
  • A 'proper' library for Antwerp's youth

    A 'proper' library for Antwerp's youth

    For many libraries it is not an easy task to reach young people, but in Antwerp it is getting better and better. Permeke, Antwerp's central library...

    • Uncover
  • 'Hier ben je geen stagiaire die een klein klusje doet'

    'Hier ben je geen stagiaire die een klein klusje doet'

    Live Music & Dance Events studenten Fay Laan en Jan Delfgaauw lopen momenteel stage bij Sfeermeneer. De ideale plek om werkervaring op te doen en uit...

    • Stories
    • Student work
  • Digital human 'MAI' opens new MindLabs building

    Digital human 'MAI' opens new MindLabs building

    On Wednesday, 27 September, MindLabs proudly opened its doors to a brand-new building. MindLabs is a partnership involving three educational...

    • News
    • Research
    • Stories
  • The theme of Inclusion: Together towards an inclusive society

    The theme of Inclusion: Together towards an inclusive society

    Lecturers Simon de Wijs and Peter Horsten are the editors of Uncover Magazine and organised the Future of Leisure Conference, together with three...

    • Uncover
  • Teachers perspectives on the future of leisure

    Teachers perspectives on the future of leisure

    Several lecturers of Dutch universities of applied sciences express their view on the future of leisure in Uncover magazine.

    • Uncover
  • Pop music venues and festivals in a digital future

    Pop music venues and festivals in a digital future

    How many people would never experience live music in their entire lives? How many would never be touched by being connected to a performing artist? Or...

    • Uncover
  • A research update from the BUas Experience Lab

    A research update from the BUas Experience Lab

    Over the past few years, the Experience Lab has evolved into a truly BUas-wide platform for BUas R&D staff, and projects have been initiated and...

    • Uncover
  • Forget about NFTs: But you will be part of the NFT experience

    Forget about NFTs: But you will be part of the NFT experience

    Chances are that you have heard about NFTs the last couple of years. People were restricted to their homes looking for leisure in new places. The...

    • Uncover
  • House of Esports focuses on positive aspects

    House of Esports focuses on positive aspects

    Gaming has become an integral part of children's leisure activities. Thanks to tablets, smartphones, game computers and because almost every family in...

    • Uncover
  • Visit to Barcelona

    Visit to Barcelona

    Students of the Events for Business specialisation had a fieldtrip to Barcelona. Several students reflect on this fruitful journey to Spain.

    • Stories
    • Student work